Thursday, January 21, 2016

21 Jump Street

Surviving the Storm 

A thunder storm, an angry Captain and leaking roof leads a member of Jump Street to leave work early. While heading to the airport to p/u his mother he finds himself in a situation leading to a car accident. Will they find him in time?


Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall do not exist. They are instead Tommy and Doug McQuaid, tough, seemingly fearless high school boys. The lives of the teenaged McQuaid brothers aren't easy. It's a rough existence, full of drugs, alcohol, and physical abuse. Day to day life consists of dealing with an abusive father, buying and selling drugs, and just trying to survive in a world so cruel.

Waylon County High 

Hanson, Penhall and Booker are loaned to a school in rural Waylon County to find those responsable for hazing and assulting students.

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