Thursday, February 18, 2016

Final Fantasy

Serendipity - Final Fantasy VII- Genesis/Cloud

One moment change's Cloud life as a cadet. 6 months into training he finds himself Genesis's student and maybe more. 

Darkened Skies-Final Fantasy VII- Angeal/Genesis

The prequel to my AU fanfiction: "Ashen Skies". This story details the events that led to the crisis in "Ashen Skies", with Angeal and Genesis being the main pairing. Some events occur differently than in canon, which results in a different timeline. Alternate Universe, Yaoi, graphic sex, graphic violence. Mature audiences only.

Unstable-Final Fantasy VII- Genesis/Sephiroth 

Genesis gets congratulated by Sephiroth in the most unexpected way. Genesis and Sephiroth start their turbulent relationship and you should all pity poor Angeal! Collaboration between Soyna and BMIK 

Taking Care of Reno -Final Fantasy VII

It began with an unexpected sick day... and turned into an adventure in friendship and family. Exploring the relationship between the Turks, with emphasis on Reno and Elena. This is a heavily updated version of the original Taking Care of Reno series.

Second Chances-Final Fantasy VIII- Squall/Seifer

AU: Given memories of the future, Seifer has the chance to alter his life before any of his mistakes are made. Despite the temptation to choose the same side as before, Seifer makes SeeD and changes everyone's futures. Seifer/Squall 

Snafu-Final Fantasy VIII- Squall/Seifer

The same old story, except not. Squall does things differently from the beginning, starting a cascade of changes. Plot goes off the canon rails to a fair degree, but certain things must still happen and do.

Vincent and Chaos' Mate

Oneshot. Vincent and Chaos are always at odds with one another. What if they both decide to agree on a mate? SLASH, mpreg, minor OOCness, AU. Rated for Reno and Chaos' mouths.

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